Stare Decisis?
(Kansas City killer/kidnapper/serial rapist
following in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers?)
“HELP!” Woke screams leaping 100 yr. intervals
into emaciated flashbacks: matted hair… El Mina:
padlocked dog collared duct-taped neck…
Door of No Return: wrists decorated with abrasions;
face, shoulders, torso tattooed with bruises.
Short black, white semen-stained, latex ‘skirt:’ paraded
before police/press like traders/enslavers at Cape Coast
Castle, Gorée Island or Missouri auction blocks…
Mothers, daughters, granddaughters,
Aunts, nieces, sisters ripped from
Families—snatched off eagle-eyed avenues—
kidnapped from Show Me State streets.
Shipped on waves of terror—back to bullwhip rhythms,
clanging melodies; to underground dungeons, darkness
and smells of death…
Minutes before mining Prospect Avenue—
‘Whiteness’ was all the suspect owned—
Presto—he’s propertied! And chains await
the woman with a metal mask to muffle her
screams, her cries, her pleas…
Presto—he’s propertied! A Black body to
Work for wealth like the Founding Fathers did—
A Black body to work to death; Should he decide…
Weaponized with blu pills, he invades
every orifice—civilizing her—Jeffersonian-style.
Any fruit falling from her wombs is his
Property. She cannot/must not abort! It’s the
Law! The white supreme court said so…
Didn’t he ‘serve’ in Afghanistan? ‘Serve’ in Iraq
and Somalia, kicking down doors 4 in the morning?
Murdering men—having his way with widows—
Terrorized and trembling with fear and grief?
Wasn’t he in D.C. January 6th storming Capitalist
Hill, flaunting some strain of false consciousness?
Suspect pleads innocent—Her rape kit testifies
Is he aided/abetted by those knowing where the
Bodies are buried? Gaslighting detectives/talking
head Fox-box foot soldiers reducing deaths to (sic)
“completely unfounded rumors…”
How many cops are in on the plot? How many moon
lighting Hitler-lovers with healthcare, sick leave, paid
vacations and pensions have ‘white' skin in the game?
Speaking of games, doesn’t he tailgate and celebrate
Kansas City’s Chiefs with 'tomahawk chop’ and
faux Indigenous chant—one keg away from lynch
Speaking of lynch mobs, what if whistleblowers had
Reverse reported—
said a Black man was snatching/killing white women?
Before ghetto birds could circle skies; Before Humvees
blocked streets; Before battering rams, snipers, SWAT
, FBI; Before capitalist state machine/media could get on
‘the same page’ the ‘hood would be an orchard of
Strange Fruit. And its rubble would resemble WWII…
© 2022. Raymond Nat Turner, The Town Crier. All Rights Reserved.
Raymond Nat Turner is a NYC poet; BAR's Poet-in-Residence; and founder/co-leader of the jazz-poetry ensemble UpSurge!NYC. You can Vote for his work at: GoFundMe and PayPal.