by Solomon Comissiong
A mythology of lies was built around Barack Obama, even before he walked into the White House. He got a peace prize for no good reason -- and then made war against at least seven countries. Obama “even joked about the use of predator drones at a White House Correspondents Dinner.” Obamites cried when he gave his last speech, “yet can find little reason to shed tears over the masses of civilians who were destroyed as a result of Obama’s policies.”
As Obama Exits the White House, Never Forget His Destructive Imperialist Legacy
by Solomon Comissiong
“Barack Obama is set to be the latest installment of a president whose nefarious legacy will be glossed over or taught in some kind of twisted revisionist fashion.”
United States President Barack Obama will soon officially exit the White House, after amassing an imperialist track record that would make any warmonger blush. During his eight-year tenure as Commander in Chief, Barack Obama has bombed seven different countries. He has also executed countless drone attacks that have taken countless civilian lives in places like Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Barack Obama has ordered extrajudicial executions of American citizens throughout the globe, including one of a 15-year-old boy. However as nefarious and destructive as his presidential legacy is, he continues to command the unconditional support of masses of mindless supporters.
Supporters of Barack Obama, and liberals in general, are disingenuous frauds. They had no issues protesting the likes of the amoral warmongering George W. Bush or the racist xenophobe, Donald J. Trump, however when it comes to Barack Obama they can find no reason to protest his mass murdering escapades. Obama supporters were recently nostalgic and teary eyed after he gave his last major speech as president of the United States, yet can find little reason to shed tears over the masses of civilians who were destroyed directly as a result of Obama’s policies. Where were the emotions and tears when men, women and children were getting blown to bits by USA drone attacks, indiscriminate air strikes and bombs?
“MLK spoke out courageously against imperialism, white supremacy, the military industrial complex and capitalism.”
As another Martin Luther King, Jr. Day has just passed, please take time to meticulously study and reflect upon his entire life and legacy. In doing so, you may find meaningful inspiration to strengthen your conviction to social justice and peace. Do what you can to prevent his legacy from being further tarnished and obfuscated. MLK spoke out courageously against imperialism, white supremacy, the military industrial complex and capitalism (and much more).
It is safe to assume that MLK would have denounced any warmongering US president, even Obama. Yes, even Obama -- who is a devote warmonger and imperialist. When one honestly examines his track record, it is riddled with undeniable cold hard facts. During the last couple of years alone his administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs. These bombs killed a great many innocent civilians. Barack Obama even joked about the use of predator drones at a White House Correspondents Dinner. This is beyond sadistic and twisted, yet in the backwards society of the US, people laugh along with the jokes, not once thinking about those whose lives were destroyed by way of those drone strikes. Many Americans are well trained, like programmable robots, not to feel any kind of emotion for those who have perished due to US military escapades.
Like many previous US presidents, Barack Obama has committed heinous human rights violations and war crimes. However, his actions are ignored or considered excusable. The media and his cultish supporters are responsible for this. They choose not to give a damn about his policies (especially foreign policy). They made the decision to get caught up in superficiality. And they choose to make excuses for his reprehensible actions, although they regularly spoke out against George Bush’s policies. United States society is a bizarre place where slave-owning presidents, like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, are celebrated. It is place where Ronald Reagan is often referred to as “The Great Communicator” instead of the “The Evil Mass Murderer.” And now Barack Obama is set to be the latest installment of a president whose nefarious legacy will be glossed over or taught in some kind of twisted revisionist fashion.
“Americans are well trained, like programmable robots, not to feel any kind of emotion for those who have perished due to US military escapades.”
There is something extremely wrong and backwards in regard to the overall culture of US society. Many Americans protest Trump however they never protested Obama's imperialism. They protest Trump but never protested Hillary Clinton's record of death and destruction by way of war in Libya and Syria.
Those who protested the racist and xenophobic Trump, but not Obama or Clinton, are nothing more that disingenuous frauds and amoral cowards. However if you have a track record of protesting the imperialist Democrats and Republicans, you have a duty to continue to do it. If you don’t’ have this kind of track record; it is long past due that you start. Your words and actions will go a long way in educating others, even if it’s only a small minority that listens. It only takes a critical mass of consistent and committed people to make positive, sizable and tangible differences! Keep fighting for justice! If for no one else, do it for future generations who deserve a better society. Let your actions be the moral compass that guides them to that brighter future.
Solomon Comissiong ( is an educator, community activist, author, and Founder of the Your World News Media Collective ( Mr. Comissiong is also a founding member of the Pan-African collective for Advocacy & Action. Solomon is the author of A Hip Hop Activist Speaks Out on Social Issues. Solomon is also the writer and producer of the documentary, Hip Hop, White Supremacy & Capitalism: Why Corporations Infiltrated RAP Music. He can be reached at: [email protected]