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The idea that Joe Biden is the "most progressive president since FDR" is a propaganda device meant to quiet the Democratic Party left and force
Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist
13 October 2021
The Obama Presidential Center will inevitably displace a working class Black community in Chicago.
Ajamu Baraka, BAR editor and columnist
13 October 2021
Some provisions of Biden’s “Build Back Better” legislation benefit the masses of Black people, but this legislation is a bare minimum effort to
Ajamu Baraka, BAR editor and columnist
06 October 2021
Some provisions of Biden’s “Build Back Better” legislation benefit the masses of Black people, but this legislation is a bare minimum effort to
Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist
15 September 2021
Memories of the last 20 years are rarely focused on increased state violence and repression in the post-9/11 world.
Danny Haiphong, BAR Contributing Editor
23 June 2021
For neoliberalism to truly end, austerity and privatization must also come to an end and universal public programs such as nationalized healthcare
Wilmer J. Leon III
15 April 2021
The US is the anti-democratic force undermining the will of Venezuelans as the US steals their resources and money.
Margaret Kimberley, BAR senior columnist
07 April 2021
Slow-witted Joe Biden appears to think that we’re still in the age of the sole superpower, when in fact that era has come and gone.
Black Alliance For Peace
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The new Democratic administration seems determined to sabotage an agreement to end the “longest war.”
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