Image. J.D. Crowe, Alabama Media Group and
Governor Woke Smoke’s $campaign:
singing Dr. Goebbels Greatest Hits
Governor Woke Smoke croons—Intentionally Loud—
Serving silent 1% pickpockets… working the crowd…
Right to work/low wage state—“Where woke goes to die”
Homeless, and in poor health—‘living’ Goebbels’ Big Lie!
$campaign funding from richest, most rightist directions
for $election suppression and fueling fascist insurrections—
mishandling migrants, homelessness—and even hurricanes
Florida’s Fuhrer’s being branded: “Boss Tweet with brains…”
Slashing social services, and leaving low-wealth stripes
he’s a groomer of Fox-box ‘white' anti-capitalist gripes—
re-klanning, book-banning, whitewashing, nazification—
The great Sunshine State’s lil “Special Psy-Operation!”
His disguised Defund The People Act—guess who it robs—
with wage-thieving, low-wage, non-union/dead-end jobs?
Knowing how fat cat reign ends—Minus the ‘Race Card—’
He’s weaponized ‘gainst our numbers…No-holds-barred!
He’s tasked with turning back clocks on blood-won gains
so, Woke Smoke is branded: “Boss Tweet with brains!”
Harvard-Yale pedigree—Woke Smoke’s more clever—
then Governor Wallace’s: “White supremacy forever!”
Land that forbids teaching of land theft/bloody chains—
though Woke Smoke’s running: “Boss Tweet with brains”
forbids teaching of enslaving Africans/killing First Nations—
Sparing ‘white’ feelings floggings/lynchings/castrations!
Woke Smoke’s culture-warring/wedge-driving/totalitarian
aping the white nationalist, fascist, authoritarian Hungarian—
1% preferred—As the new “Boss Tweet with brains—”
Calling, “Next!” for the drones, bombs, missiles and planes!
© 2023. Raymond Nat Turner, The Town Crier. All Rights Reserved.
Raymond Nat Turner is a NYC poet; BAR's Poet-in-Residence; and founder/co-leader of the jazz-poetry ensemble UpSurge!NYC. You can Vote for his work at: GoFundMe and PayPal.