The world’s most prolific assassins, regime changers and disinformation specialists have been given free rein to recruit and shape curriculum at the largest Black higher education system in the nation.
“The Democratic Party’s Black minions have insanely embraced the agency as part of the ‘resistance’ to Trump’s raging racism.”
The Southern University System has opened its arms to the CIA with an agreement to allow the agency to recruit operatives and shape classroom workshops and curriculum on the system’s five historically Black campuses in Louisiana. According to a press release featuring the smiling faces of Southern University president-chancellor Ray Belton and agency operatives, the super-spooks hope to “foster ongoing relationships with key university staff and personnel” and gain access to “a qualified and diverse applicant pool.” University chief Benton -- the “Spook Who Opened the Door,” not to be confused with “The Spook Who Sat by the Door,” the Black insurrectionary novel and movie – said the CIA connection enhances Southern’s “public-private partnerships portfolio.” He praised the “reputable stature” of the CIA as “an asset to the university, students and faculty.”
The Southern University-CIA collaboration is a gift from President Trump, the first of many in-plain-sight CIA infiltrations of Black higher education envisioned under his White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Defenders of hard-pressed HBCUs will doubtless offer an “any port in a storm” excuse for subjecting young Black minds and underpaid faculty to the enticements of global Murder Incorporated – the assassins of Patrice Lumumba and countless other freedom fighters, as well as the planet’s most accomplished psychological warfare specialists. Some Negroes are capable of excusing anything – and do.
“The super-spooks hope to ‘foster ongoing relationships with key university staff and personnel' and gain access to 'a qualified and diverse applicant pool.’”
The White House initiative to foist the CIA on Black colleges pre-dated revelations that a CIA agent assigned to the executive mansion fingered Trump as attempting to coerce the Ukrainian government into reopening an investigation of Democratic Party presidential contender Joe Biden’s son’s suspicious dealings in that country. The Democrats hope to make the charge the basis of impeachment proceedings, having failed to make the case for collusion between Trump, “the Russians” and Wikileaks in the public airing of Democratic National Committee dirty linen during the 2016 campaign. “Russiagate” was the Democratic Party’s excuse for losing to the Republican who they thought was the easiest to beat. But the CIA is the chief conspirator, the guiding hand in the still-active mass psychological warfare operation against a president considered by the Deep State to be far too undependable to manage the Empire (for example, Trump’s repeated, but clumsy and partially stymied efforts to disengage from the CIA-directed jihadist war against Syria). The CIA agent detailed to the White House is now hailed by Democrats and their corporate media as a “whistleblower,” when the only CIA agents that can be considered whistleblowers are those that blow the whistle on their own agency. Meanwhile, as Danny Haiphong writes in this issue of BAR, the real whistleblowers, “Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden remain in prison or exile as enemies of the state.”
“The CIA is the guiding hand in the still-active mass psychological warfare operation against a president considered far too undependable to manage the Empire”
But Trump is too stupid to bar the scorpions from his White House, no matter how many times they sting him. Maybe he thought the spooks would be gratefully distracted by a White House-initiated entré to historically Black colleges and universities. But then, nothing stays in Trump’s fevered brain for more than an instant, and then poof! -- on to another tweetable subject.
The main source of the CIA’s newfound acceptability in Black America is the Democratic Party, whose Black minions have insanely embraced the agency as part of the “resistance” to Trump’s raging racism. The saddest example is Los Angeles Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who in the Nineties indicted the CIA for facilitating the crack cocaine invasion of Black communities as part of its terrorist war against Nicaragua. Waters was in her right mind back then. The CIA distributes drug franchises as payment for collaboration in its dirty wars around the world, thus avoiding the need to go to Congress to finance its machinations. It is no coincidence that the current capitals of the heroin trade (Afghanistan) and cocaine (Colombia) are centers of CIA intrigue, as was Southeast Asia (heroin) two generations ago. Now Waters believes every word the agency says about Russian plots to elevate Trump and subvert American “democracy” – and for one reason: the Russiagate story purports to implicate Trump, the Racist Orange Menace. Such Negroes are no defense against either Trump’s old style, cracker fascism or the CIA’s 21st century playbook for global US corporate police state fascism.
The old Maxine Waters would be rallying Congressional Black Caucus colleagues to block the CIA from infesting HBCU campuses. But she’s in too deep, as is the rest of the Caucus – the most pitiful actors in the CIA’s Russiagate scheme -- captured by the world’s biggest organized crime machine.
BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at [email protected]
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