“The same forces which went after Trump will come after anyone else who is seen as a danger to the system.”
All talk of democracy in the United States is a lie meant to ensure devotion to and acceptance of a system that is inherently undemocratic. The word that is used with such reverence should mean more than holding elections. People living in a democracy ought to have some say in how they are governed; instead, Americans have none. But the electoral process itself is rife with vote theft, suppression schemes against black voters in particular and a variety of tactics meant to undo the little bit of popular will that is permitted to take place.
These are not the only examples of undemocratic political activity. The involvement of the United States security apparatus in politics is a closely held secret that is deliberately withheld from public discourse. We are inundated with endless expressions of outrage regarding alleged Russian government election meddling. Yet little is said about known United States intelligence agency involvement in American presidential campaigns.The 2016 election was just the latest example of FBI and CIA interferencein a supposedly free country.
“Little is said about known United States intelligence agency involvement in American presidential campaigns.”
Hillary Clinton is at the heart of this story. She was the insider, the sitting Secretary of State and a true believer in upholding the dictates of the American empire. She was acceptable to the ruling elites because she is a card carrying member of that group. Donald Trump was the outsider and loose cannon whose statements made him suspect and considered an untrustworthy defender of the American hegemon.
Clinton created problems of her own making with her continued work on behalf of the Clinton Foundation while serving as Secretary of State. In an effort to hide her duplicity and law breaking she used her own secret computer server system housed not in the State Department but in her actual home.
Her need to hide the Clinton Foundation’s involvement in the agreement to sell uranium to Russia is partly responsible for her labeling Trump as “Putin’s puppet.” Bill Clinton walked away from the uranium deal with a personal check for $500,000. The need to project the back room pro-Russian dealing onto Trump was a Clinton imperative and it continues to be used as a means of explaining away the Democrats’ ignominious defeat.
“Hillary Clinton was acceptable to the ruling elites because she is a card carrying member of that group.”
Both camps attempted to get “dirt” on the other, with the hapless Trump team getting caught in a Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer. The lawyer used a claim of having information on Hillary Clinton as a hook when she was in fact interested in getting the Magnitzky Act anti-Russian sanctions lifted by a Trump administration.
The Democrats were more skillful but were ultimately found out too. It is the Democratic National Committee that paid former British spy Christopher Steele to find compromising information about Donald Trump. The resulting dossier was used as justification for an FBI investigation but the fact that the DNC and Clinton campaign paid for the information was withheld.
It was recently revealed that one of the pro-Clinton parties, Stephan Halper, spied on Trump staffers for the FBI. But Halper is also connected to another presidential campaign. He and his father-in-law, former CIA deputy director Ray Cline, were involved in dirty work against the Jimmy Carter campaign in 1980. Their goal was to prevent the Carter administration from freeing hostages held in Iran. They succeeded and in so doing assured a Reagan victory. Nearly 40 years later Halper was up to his old tricks, this time working with the FBI in an attempt to derail the Trump campaign.
“Projecting the back room pro-Russian dealing onto Trump was a means of explaining away the Democrats’ ignominious defeat.”
The New York Timessays Halper was not a spy, but an “informant.” The nonsensical hair splitting is not incidental. The corporate media want to delegitimize Trump but not for the reasons they should. Donald Trump’s campaign and ultimate victory presented serious challenges for these interests. His divergence from orthodoxy made him a danger.
Donald Trump is correct to ask for an investigation of Halper’s contacts which began during his campaign and continued after he was inaugurated. Anyone concerned about the dangerous role of secret and unelected law enforcement control ought to support his request. Justified anti-Trump sentiment shouldn’t be forgotten but also should not be allowed to legitimize the very dangerous intelligence apparatus.
The same forces which went after Trump will come after anyone else who is seen as a danger to the system. One cannot argue against the “black identity extremist” designation without also calling into question the intelligence agencies role in politics, even if their work was used against Donald Trump.
“Obama CIA director John Brennan worked with FBI director Comey to start an investigation of Trump before he was even elected.”
Nor was spy agency involvement limited to the United States. Halper’s partner in his London based security firm is the former head of Britain’s MI6, the agency in charge of that country’s international intelligence work. Christopher Steele was also a former MI6 agent.
Trump’s tweets may be ridiculous or offensive 95% of the time, but his request for an investigation in this matter should be supported by those who ordinarily oppose him. Former CIA and NSA directors were open in their endorsements of Hillary Clinton. John Brennan, CIA director during the Obama administration, went one step further. It is Brennan who worked with FBI director Comey to start an investigation of Trump before he was even elected.
These revelations show who really runs this and other countries. We the people are the last to know and are deliberately kept in the dark about how our governments operate. They may say that an election in Russia or Venezuela is a “sham” if the results aren’t to their liking. But stolen votes and spy agency dirty tricks prove that the sham is right here in the United States.
Margaret Kimberley’s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well at http://freedomrider.blogspot.com . Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgendaReport.com.